If you've found unclaimed money you're entitled to, the legal process of claiming it can be complicated and time-consuming due to the paperwork involved and the steps required. We're experienced at navigating the complexities of unclaimed money claims, and we're here to help you.

April 19, 2022

~3 min read

If you find unclaimed money, it can feel like a windfall, but before you can start spending it, you’ll need to go through the process of claiming it. This process can be complicated and time-consuming, depending on the agency holding the money, the owner listed, and your relationship to the owner.

If you’re not sure where to start or you’re facing complications in claiming your unclaimed money, don’t worry – we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn more about the complex process of claiming unclaimed property.

How to claim unclaimed money

The process of claiming unclaimed money varies depending on the agency, the organization holding the money, and how the money’s owner is listed. Generally, the first step in claiming unclaimed money is to prove your identity. Depending on the agency holding the money, this may involve providing documentation such as a birth certificate, state-issued photo identification, and proof of address or residency, such as a utility bill.

How to claim unclaimed money on behalf of someone else, a trust, or an estate

If you’re claiming money as an heir or beneficiary, on behalf of someone else, or if the money is in a trust or part of an estate, the process of claiming it will be more complicated.

You will need to provide all the documentation listed above, but you will also need to provide admissible evidence that proves your relationship to the owner of the money, proof that you are the rightful heir or beneficiary, and an affidavit or written statement testifying to your identity and/or relationship.

In the case of trusts and estates, you’ll want to provide a copy of the will or trust agreement, and the trustee or executor of the estate will also need to sign off on any claims. You can click here to read more about claiming the unclaimed property of a deceased family member.

Common complications when claiming unclaimed money

There are a number of complications that can arise during the process of claiming unclaimed money. Even something as simple as a mistake on submitted paperwork can delay your claim for weeks or even months, unfortunately.

Name changes and state changes

For example, if your name has changed since the money was listed, you may need to provide documentation to prove your identity along with legal proof of your name change, such as a marriage certificate or court order. And if the agency holding the money is not located in your state, an additional layer of documentation will be required in order to facilitate the claim.

Unclaimed money with multiple owners

If the unclaimed money has multiple owners, or if more than one person is entitled to claim the unclaimed money, then legal steps must be taken to include them in the claim. Many people have spent months trying to claim money they are entitled to, only to get to the end and discover that they have to start the process all over again because another party needed to be notified and/or have their interest represented.

Unclaimed money genealogy

Finally, the act of proving your relationship to the owner of record typically requires genealogical reports that can only be legitimized by a credible genealogist, as only select documentation is admissible in court as evidence.

The fastest, safest, and most convenient way to claim unclaimed property?

If you’re facing any complications in claiming your unclaimed money, our team of professionals can take care of the entire process for you. We have experience with the complex bureaucracy surrounding unclaimed money claims and we’re here to help you get what’s rightfully yours. Contact us today for more information or for assistance in filing a claim.