Buried Treasure
Time and faulty memories can bury anything


Sometimes, accounts and assets flagged as ‘abandoned’ aren’t actually part of a probate estate, but abandoned by someone who is still living.
That was the case with an 86-year old Orlando man who, sadly, had outlived his wife and all three of their children. Fully aware that he was at the onset of dementia, he welcomed our involvement and assistance.

He was the owner of two properties that were both in danger of being lost due to unpaid taxes, and one of them was his personal residence. He seemed to believe that he was in financial distress, but the research we had previously completed proved otherwise. The truth was that he had, over time, simply forgotten about several of his financial accounts. With no household organization and no family members to help him, he said that he was only “somewhat aware” that things were awry.

He was thrilled to have his own EstateCo Advocate, who was an integral part of our team’s ability to work with him despite his memory issues. We were able to find and recover his lost and abandoned assets, and Mr. Wilson received $138,600 in total from working with EstateCo. This allowed him to pay taxes so he could keep his home, plus receive proper medical treatment and enjoy a vastly improved quality of life.